A Very Merry Wintersday - Achievements guide

If you have any tips, tricks, advice or if you find any mistake, please let me know by commenting belows.


In total there are 39 achievements with 437 AP.



A Season of Merriment - Complete the Wintersday Cheer achievement 5 times over the course of the Wintersday festival, Extravagant Wintersday Gift  100 AP

  • Repeatable achievement.
  • You have to finish "Wintersday Daily" 5 times.
  • You can repeat it 10 times, each time you will get 10 AP.
  • In total you will get 100 AP for 50 dailies.
  • You can chose Wrapped skins, Wintersday minis or Bag of Personalized Wintersday gifts from Extravagant Wintersday Gift.
  • You have to finish 3 tasks daily and Daily Bonus Rewards do not count.


Disassembly - Defeat 100 misbehaving Wintersday toys while helping Tixx run the workshop or exploring Tyria, reward 10 AP

    • Toypocalypse


Dauntless Donator - Get 150 wrapped gifts from the Wintersday vendor and give them to orphans around Divinity's Reach, 25 AP

  • Repeatable achievement. Each 30 wrapped gifts give you 5 AP and 5 Wintersday gifts. You can repeat this achievement 5 times for a total of 25 AP.
  • There are 30 orphans around Divinity's Reach.
  • You can give each of them only 1 present per day per account.
  • Roll of Wrapping paper costs 504 karma and you need gift - for example Tropical Peppermint Cake (90 copper).
  • You have to visit Charity Corps Seraph [Gift Wrapping] to buy paper and wrap gifts.
  • Without any boosters or bonuses 1 donated gift gives you 1500 karma.
  • How to maximize your karma gain:
    • Account bonus - up to 48%
    • Karma bonus - 50 % from either Karma Booster or Communal Boost Bonfire or Extra Life Karma Booster or Kite Fortune or Gobbler
    • Karma banner - 15%
    • Spirit banner - 10%
    • Guild karma bonus - up to 10%
    • Amulets with Enrichment - 15%
    • Enhancement - 10% from either Peppermint oil or Tin of Fruitcake or Tuning Icicle
    • Crowd-Favorite Racer - 10% you get it from finishing race in Divinity's Reach
    • Candy Cane - 10%
    • Winter's Blessing - 10% you get it from daily Donation Drive achievement
    • Volunteer's Blessing - 5% moving to a new instance of a closing map
    • Food - 10% from either Peppermint Omnomberry Bars or Tropical Peppermint Cakes or Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream or from any Ascended food
  • Location of Vendor:
  • Locations of all orphans:
  • My way of going around:
    • It works both with or without mounts.
    • With mount and porting it will take you less tham 6 minutes to visit all the orphans.
    • I start at Palace waypoint [&BCkDAAA=].
    • If you have fast loading you can use shortcuts:
      • After point 2 port on Ministers Waypoint
      • After point 3 port on Dwayna Waypoint
      • After point 14 port on Salma Waypoint
      • After point 15 port on Ossan Waypoint
      • After point 22 port on Crown Pavilion Waypoint
  • Or you can use TacO Wintersday markers from Tekkit. 
  • 1st point
  • 2nd point
  • 3rd point
  • 4th point
  • 5th point
  • 6th point
  • 7th point
  • 8th point
  • 9th point
  • 10th point
  • 11th point
  • 12th point
  • 13th point
  • 14th point
  • 15th point
  • 16th point
  • 17th point
  • 18th point
  • 19th point
  • 20th point
  • 21st point
  • 22nd point
  • 23rd point
  • 24th point
  • 25th point
  • 26th point
  • 27th point
  • 28th point
  • 29th point
  • 30th point


Dolyak Defender - Survive Toypocalypse with at least one living gift dolyak, reward  5 AP

  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Disassembly.
  • You can enter Toypocalypse with random players or enter with your own party.
  • There are 5 Dolyaks in the middle of map which you have to defend.
  • There are 10 rounds - your enemies are misbehaving toys and Toxx who spawns regularly.
  • You have to crush scenery and build Catapults and Ballista from scraps and Snowmen from snow.
  • You can heal yourself by standing still in the middle where Dolyaks stand.
  • You can heal Dolyaks by offering them hay which randomly spawns near Dolyaks.
  • Little about strategy:
    • Immediately pick up a Toysmasher (hammer candy cane) and use skill 1 to smash everything.
    • Rush to the north side of the map when starting and focus on smashing scenery to find Scrap and build catapults.
    • The first enemies will spawn on the north side.
    • Don’t build inside the ‘maze’ as this sometimes has line-of-site problems.
    • Focus on building catapults. Don’t bother building ice walls.
    • When Toxx spawns, use skills 2 and 3 to CC him.


Donation Defender - Successfully escort Ho-Ho-Tron's dolyak to the gate in Divinity's Reach, reward 3 AP

  • Event starts when players donate enough funds to Ho-Ho-Tron.
  • You have to defend Dolyak by kicking skritt who spawn near event and who throw snowballs at Dolyak.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Finders Keepers (Collect dropped gifts), Golden Generosity (Donate 3 gold) and Silver for the Season (Donate 3 silver)
  • The sooner you do this achievement the better. Later when everyone has completed this achievements it takes longer to gather enough funds to start event.


Finders Keepers - Pick up 25 dropped presents while escorting a donation dolyak in Divinity's Reach, reward   6 AP

  • You will get the tittle Finders Keepers
  • Event starts when people donate enough funds to Ho-Ho-Tron.
  • You have to pick up gifts which Dolyak accidentally drops.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Donation Defender (Escort Dolyak), Golden Generosity (Donate 3 gold) and Silver for the Season (Donate 3 silver)
  • The sooner you do this achievent the better. Later when everyone has completed this achievements it takes longer to gather enough funds to start event.


Frozen Claw - Defeat the Claw of Jormag 3 times during Wintersday, 10k karma 3 AP

  • Claw of Jormag spawns in Frostgorge Sound every 3 hours.
  • Earthshake WP [&BHoCAAA=]


Golden Generosity - Donate 3 gold to Ho-Ho-Tron in Divinity's Reach, reward  25 AP


Holiday Food Drive - Donate 150 Wintersday foods to the Amnoon food drive in Divinty's reach, Mini Gift Box Gourdon  15 AP

  • Donate 150 pieces of Peppermint Omnombery Bars, Scoops of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream or Tropical peppermint Cakes to Charity Corps Seraph.


Honorary Krewe Member - Defeat Toxx in Tixx's Infinirarium in Divinity's reach, reward   5 AP

  • You will get the tittle Toymaker
  • Finish Tixx's Infinirarium dungeon located in Divinity's reach.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement with Wintersday Wrecking Ball.
  • It is possible to do it solo.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Wintersday Wrecking Ball.
  • There are 10 mini events. When you finish all of them, Toxx will spawn.
    • Collect presents for the toy princesses.
      • Bring 15 gifts to Princess Doll.
      • There are 2 close spawn points.
      • Skritt can steal gifts but if you defeat them they will drop it.
    • Color unpainted princess dolls with the plasma paint cannon.
      • Find and paint 40 white Princess dolls.
      • Find and pick up a Plasma paint cannon
      • You can move while casting painting skill.
      • There are skritt who knock you down. You can get rid of them by using the painting skill on them.
      • Dolls are hidden behind scenery and on north and west upstair platforms.
    • Retake the princess dolls hamlet from the skritt.
      • Stand in the circle.
      • You don't have to kill enemies just keep them out of the circle, so knockback skill are great here.
      • The less you kill the less they spawn.
    • Destroy malfunctioning turrets. 
      • There are 21 turrets you have to destroy.
      • They are not hidden behind scenery.
    • Defend the Toy Ventari from the princess dolls.
      • Kill Malfunctioning Toy Princess.
      • If a toy Ventari is defeated it is enslaved.
      • You can go near the toy Ventary and break them free.
    • Drive off malfunctioning toy soldiers attacking the assembly line.
      • Kill all groups of enemies which will spawn around the center.
    • Retake the plush griffon's aerie from the princesses.
      • Stand in the circle.
      • You don't have to kill enemies just keep them out of the circle, so knockback skill are great here.
      • The less you kill the less they spawn.
    • Destroy the tar elementals, and return their ooze to the machines.
      • Kill Tar elementals, take ball of Ooze and bring it to machine.
    • Teleport to the platform above the gift-giving apparatus and stop the mischievous skritt.
      • Go on west, climb the stairs and there is teleport to platform.
      • Kill all skritt.
    • Collect plant food near buildings for the Ventari toys.
      • Bring 15 pieces of Plant food to Ventari.
      • There are 2 close spawn points.
      • Skritt can steal it and there is no point in defeating them this time because they will smash that food on you. 
    • Use unstable toy golems to stop Toxx's rampage through the airship.
      • Aggro Toy gollems and let them explode near Toxx.
      • If your group has high DPS it is faster to CC and burst Toxx.


Mercy of the Toymaker - Open 1000 Wintersday gits, Rimed Verdant Wintersday Gift  5 AP

  • Open 1 000 Wintersday gifts.
  • You can either earn them by doing Wintersday events of buy them from Trading Post.


Nothing but Broken Toys - Survive 50 waves of Toypocalypse, reward  5 AP

  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Dolyak Defender and Disassembly.
  • You can enter Toypocalypse with random players or enter with your own party.
  • There are 5 Dolyaks in the middle of map which you have to defend. but only one needs to survive.
  • There are 10 rounds - your enemies are misbehaving toys and Toxx who spawns regularly.
  • You have to crush scenery and build Catapults and Ballista from scraps and Snowmen from snow.
  • You can heal yourself by standing still in the middle where Dolyaks stand.
  • You can heal Dolyaks by offering them hay which randomly spawns near Dolyaks.
  • Little about strategy:
    • Immediately pick up a Toysmasher (hammer candy cane) and use skill 1 to smash everything.
    • Rush to the north side of the map when starting and focus on smashing scenery to find Scrap and build catapults.
    • The first enemies will spawn on the north side.
    • Don’t build inside the ‘maze’ as this sometimes has line-of-site problems.
    • Focus on building catapults. Don’t bother building ice walls.
    • When Toxx spawns, use skills 2 and 3 to CC him.


Pitcher of Joy - Throw 101 snowballs in the Secret Lair of the Snowmen, 1 AP

  • Pick and throw on target 101 snowballs in the Secret Lair instance.
  • You can either throw them on Frozen Snowman or Freezie.
  • Tip: You can enter the instance alone, throw snowballs to heal Frozen Snowman then go out and repeat it until you complete achievement. 


Polar Bones - Discover the remains of an ancient King in the Secret Lair of the Snowmen, 3 AP

  • Find bones in Secret Lair instance.
  • Bones are located at the bottom of the instance under the ice bridge.
  • You don't have to finish the instance to find them.


Ringing the Right Notes - Play 500 correct notes in Bell Choir Ensemble, reward  10 AP

  • Play 500 correct notes in the Bell Choir instance.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with The Bells of Wintersday or Sound of the Season.
  • This mini-game is essentially Guild Wars 2: Guitar Hero
  • When you enter speak with Snowman and you can chose if you want to play upper, middle or lower part.
  • There are 4 different places around instance where you can play.
  • Sometimes all 3 parts are taken on one platform so you have to go to different platform. Speak with Snowman to teleport to another platform.
  • When you are in you have to play correct notes when the song starts.
  • You have to press the corresponding skill when the colored ball enters the blue inner circle around you.
  • If you miss it you will take damage and if you miss too many notes you will be kicked out of the current song.
  • Each correct note will heal you.


Silver for the Season - Donate 3 silver to Ho-Ho-Tron in Divinity's Reach, reward  5 AP

  • Donate 3 silver to Replica Ho-Ho-Tron standing near The Crown Pavilion.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Finders Keepers (Collect dropped gifts), Donation Defender (Escort Dolyak) and Golden Generosity (Donate 3 gold).


Snowball Fight! - Claim victory in the Snowball Mayhem activity 3 times during Wintersday, 10k karma 3 AP

  • You have to win 3 rounds of Snowball Mayhem
  • How to play:
    • First team to score 500 points wins.
    • Each kill gives you 5 points and each gift brought to your base gives 100 points.
    • You can chose if you want to play scout, heavy gunner or supporter.


Snowball Mayhem Participant - Complete 30 rounds of Snowball Mayhen,  0 AP

  • You have to complete 30 rounds
  • This awards give you no AP only Wintersday Gifts.
  • How to play:
    • First team to score 500 points wins.
    • Each kill gives you 5 points and each gift brought to your base gives 100 points.
    • You can chose if you want to play scout, heavy gunner or supporter.


Sound of the Season - Complete songs in the Bell Choir 3 times during Wintersday, 10k karma 3 AP

  • Complete 3 songs in Bell Choir instance. In each round you can play 6 songs.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Ringing the Right Notes.
  • This mini-game is essentially Guild Wars 2: Guitar Hero
  • When you enter speak with Snowman and you can chose if you want to play upper, middle or lower part.
  • There are 4 different places around instance where you can play.
  • Sometimes all 3 parts are taken on one platform so you have to go to different platform. Speak with Snowman to teleport to another platform.
  • When you are in you have to play correct notes when the song starts.
  • You have to press the corresponding skill when the colored ball enters the blue inner circle around you.
  • If you miss it you will take damage and if you miss too many notes you will be kicked out of the current song.
  • Each correct note will heal you.


Straight to the Heart - Help Freezie within three heart phases in the Secret Lair of the Snowmen, 5 AP

  • Defeat the final boss of the Secret Lair of the Snowmen instance.
  • It has 3 DPS phases and 3 heal phases.
  • You have to DPS Freezie during the 3 DPS phases and heal its heart by throwing snow balls on it in the 3 heal phases.
  • You will need a lot of dodges.


The Bells of Wintersday - Complete 100 songs in Bell Choir Ensemble, reward 25 AP

  • Repeatable achievement. Each 20 songs give you 5 AP and 3 Wintersday gifts. You can repeat this achievement 5 times for a total of total 25 AP.
  • Complete 100 songs in Bell Choir instance. In each round you can play 6 songs.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Ringing the Right Notes.
  • This mini-game is essentially Guild Wars 2: Guitar Hero
  • When you enter speak with Snowman and you can chose if you want to play upper, middle or lower part.
  • There are 4 different places around instance where you can play.
  • Sometimes all 3 parts are taken on one platform so you have to go to different platform. Speak with Snowman to teleport to another platform.
  • When you are in you have to play correct notes when the song starts.
  • You have to press the corresponding skill when the colored ball enters the blue inner circle around you.
  • If you miss it you will take damage and if you miss too many notes you will be kicked out of the current song.
  • Each correct note will heal you.


The Giving Spirit - Donate 5000 snowflakes to cheer up Drooburt for the holidays, reward  25 AP

  • Repeatable achievement. Each 1000 snowflakes donates gives you 5 AP and 5 Wintersday Gifts. You can repeat this achievement 5 times for a total og 25 AP.
  • Find Drooburt and give him 5k snowflakes.
  • You need to have these Snowflakes in your inventory.


The Wintersday Gauntlet - Complete the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle 3 times during Wintersday, 10k karma 3 AP

  • There are 3 ways how to get there:
    • The right path is the easiest and you get 8 presents if you finish it. Snowflakes don't disappear on this path.
    • The center path is slighly harder and awards 10 presents if you finish it.
    • The left is the hardest and awards 12 presents if you finish it.
  • Tips:
    • All 3 ways get you in front of the bridge which is made from popping presents. 
    • When you jump over bridge there is wind which you need to dodge. Watch out for the red AoE circles on the ground.
    • On the way you have to avoid all rolling snowballs and dodge all snowballs thrown by Skritt (red AoE circles).


Toy Quality Control - Finish 30 rounds of Toypocalypse during Wintersday, 10k karma 3 AP

  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Dolyak Defender and Disassembly.
  • You can enter Toypocalypse with random players or enter with your own party.
  • There are 5 Dolyaks in the middle of map which you have to defend. but only one needs to survive.
  • There are 10 rounds - your enemies are misbehaving toys and Toxx who spawns regularly.
  • You have to crush scenery and build Catapults and Ballista from scraps and Snowmen from snow.
  • You can heal yourself by standing still in the middle where Dolyaks stand.
  • You can heal Dolyaks by offering them hay which randomly spawns near Dolyaks.
  • Little about strategy:
    • Immediately pick up a Toysmasher (hammer candy cane) and use skill 1 to smash everything.
    • Rush to the north side of the map when starting and focus on smashing scenery to find Scrap and build catapults.
    • The first enemies will spawn on the north side.
    • Don’t build inside the ‘maze’ as this sometimes has line-of-site problems.
    • Focus on building catapults. Don’t bother building ice walls.
    • When Toxx spawns, use skills 2 and 3 to CC him.


Toypocalypse Survivor - Successfully complete 150 rounds in Toypocalypse, reward 25 AP

  • Repeatable achievement. Each 30 rounds give you 5 AP and 3 Wintersday gifts. You can repeat this achievement 5 times for a total of 25 AP.
  • I would recommend you to do this achievement together with Dolyak Defender and Disassembly.
  • You can enter Toypocalypse with random players or enter with your own party.
  • There are 5 Dolyaks in the middle of map which you have to defend. but only one needs to survive.
  • There are 10 rounds - your enemies are misbehaving toys and Toxx who spawns regularly.
  • You have to crush scenery and build Catapults and Ballista from scraps and Snowmen from snow.
  • You can heal yourself by standing still in the middle where Dolyaks stand.
  • You can heal Dolyaks by offering them hay which randomly spawns near Dolyaks.
  • Little about strategy:
    • Immediately pick up a Toysmasher (hammer candy cane) and use skill 1 to smash everything.
    • Rush to the north side of the map when starting and focus on smashing scenery to find Scrap and build catapults.
    • The first enemies will spawn on the north side.
    • Don’t build inside the ‘maze’ as this sometimes has line-of-site problems.
    • Focus on building catapults. Don’t bother building ice walls.
    • When Toxx spawns, use skills 2 and 3 to CC him.


Ulla's Rival - Complete 15 race events in Divinity's Reach during Wintersday, reward  25 AP

  • Repeatable achievement. Each 3 rounds give you 5 AP and 3 Wintersday gifts. You can repeat this achievement 5 times for AP in total 25 AP.
  • You can either complete the Race (event) or Time Trial (talk to NPC). Both are counted.
  • You can complete multiple laps every time the event starts.
  • Tip: Take the Time Trial at the same time as the event.


Winter Wonderland Mastery - Complete the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle 15 times, reward  25 AP

  • Repeatable achievement. Each 3 rounds give you 5 AP and 3 Wintersday Gifts. You can repeat this achievement 5 times for a total of 25 AP.
  • There are 3 ways how to get there:
    • The right path is the easiest and you get 8 presents if you finish it. Snowflakes don't disappear on this path.
    • The center path is slighly harder and awards 10 presents if you finish it.
    • The left is the hardest and awards 12 presents if you finish it.
  • Tips:
    • All 3 ways get you in front of the bridge which is made from popping presents. 
    • When you jump over bridge there is wind which you need to dodge. Watch out for the red AoE circles on the ground.
    • On the way you have to avoid all rolling snowballs and dodge all snowballs thrown by Skritt (red AoE circles).


Wintersday's Guardian - Confront Freezie in the secret Lair of the Snowman and remind him of the true meaning of Wintersday, 10 AP

  • Defeat the final boss of the Secret Lair of the Snowmen instance.
  • It has 3 DPS phases and 3 heal phases.
  • You have to DPS Freezie during the 3 DPS phases and heal its heart by throwing snow balls on it in the 3 heal phases.
  • You will need a lot of dodges.


Wintersday Traditions - Complete 7 annual Wintersday achievements. This achievement can be completed once every year, in 2019 it awards Festive Sweater and 50 AP

  • Festival Automaton (see Honorary Krewe Member) - Defeat Toxx in Tixx's Infinirarium in Divinitys Reach, 0 AP
  • Holiday Musical (same as Ringing the Right Notes but twice as many notes)- Play 1 000 correct notes in Bell Choir Ensemble, 0 AP
  • Seasons Generosity (same as Golden Generosity) - Donate 3 gold to Ho-Ho-Tron in Divinity's Reach, 0 AP
  • Leaping Above Snow (same as Winter Wonderland Mastery)- Complete the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle 5 times during Wintersday, 0 AP
  • Frozen Footrace - Complete the race event in Divinity's Reach during Wintersday in under 5 minutes without using a mount, 0 AP
    • You can either run Race or Time Trial. Both are counted.
    • You should not have problems but you can take some teleports or flashes.
    • Do not use waypoint.
    • You can complete multiple laps every time the event starts.
    • Tip: Take the Time Trial at the same time as the event.
  • Snow Drifter - Complete the race event in Divinitys Reach during Wintersday in under 3 minutes, 0 AP
    • You can either run Race or Time Trial. Both are counted.
    • You should not have problems if you use Raptor + Bond of Vigor
    • You can complete multiple laps every time the event starts.
    • Tip: Take the Time Trial at the same time as the event.
  • Age of Toypocalypse (same as Dolyak Defender but you have to do it 3 times) - Survive 3 Toypocalypse with at least one living gift dolyak, 0 AP
  • Some Disassembly Required (same as Disassembly but you have to kill 500 toys)-  Defeat 500 misbehaving Wintersday toys while helping Tixx run the workshop or exploring Tyria, 0 AP


Wintersday Wrecking Ball - Destroy every miniature piece of Tixx's toy diorama in Tixx's Infinirarium, reward 5 AP

  • It is do-able only in Tixx's Infinirarium dungeon located in Divinity's reach.
  • Toypocalypse does not count.
  • You can do it after you deafeat Toxx. The instance will not close.
  • You have to smash every breakable piece of the diorama.
  • There are no hidden objects behind the scenery.
  • I would recommend you to do it together with Honorary Krewe Member.
  • Some pieces of the diorama can’t be smashed. Don’t worry, these don’t count for the achievement.
  • If you cannot find all of them here are some pieces which you may miss:


Wrapping Everywhere - Unwrap 40 Wintersday presents, reward  9 AP 

  • Open 40 Wintersday Gifts.
  • You can either earn them by doing Wintersday events of buy them from Trading Post.




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